

Tech-Driven Health Innovation

We are seeking cutting-edge tech-driven approaches that can lead to impactful health services. Deadline: June 25, 2024 at 23:59pm (CEST) #HealthNeeds #HealthTech #DigitalHealth 

Qualification Ended

Guardians of Health: Crafting the Future of Dread Disease Support

Join the leading German Insurance Provider, Hallesche! We're on a quest for groundbreaking solutions that offer more than just financial support for severe diseases such as cancer, heart attack, or dementia: How can we support affected persons and their relatives with preventative diagnostics, care or other novel support services? Deadline: July 9, 2024, 23:59 PM CEST.   #PatientSupport #DreadDiseaseInsurance #HealthcareInnovation

Qualification Ended

Digitale Helden gegen Adipositas: Die IK Innovation Challenge 

Gemeinsam gegen Adipositas: Die Innovationskasse sucht kreative Köpfe für spielerische, digitale Ansätze, die Kinder, Jugendliche und ihre Familien auf ihrer Reise zu einem gesünderen Lebensstil unterstützen. Reicht eure Lösungen & Konzepte ein und schmiedet mit der Innovationskasse eine wegweisende Partnerschaft, um im Kampf gegen Adipositas eine zusätzliche digitale Hilfe zu bieten.  Einreichungsdeadline: 09.07.2024, 11:59 Uhr MEZ/MESZ #DigitalHealth #KinderGesundheit #GemeinsamGegenAdipositas 

Qualification Ended

Solve for Tomorrow - AI for Society

Calling all Gen Z visionaries! Ready to revolutionize the world with AI? Get ready for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow - AI for Society Program – where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. From reimagining healthcare to shaping the future of education, this is your chance to make a real impact. Ready to make waves and leave your mark? #AIforsociety #solvefortomorrow

Qualification Ended

Transformation in Healthcare: Reshaping Sustainability with GLS Bank 

Unlock the future of sustainable healthcare! Join GLS Bank's challenge to revolutionize the sustainability transformation of nursing homes and healthcare facilities. Dive deep into the ESG criteria, identify real needs, and craft a holistic consulting concept. Your innovative solutions can reshape the SMEs healthcare landscape, fostering long-term sustainability alongside GLS Bank's commitment to positive change.

Qualification Ended

Generative AI as a personal agent for knowledge management processes

Unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence and generative models in the pharmaceutical industry together with Boehringer Ingelheim by developing personalized AI agents that support health workers in knowledge management, research & content creation. Shape the future of human-machine interaction and master demanding challenges in the pharmaceutical industry together.

Qualification Ended

Enabling Cancer Therapy at Home

Join Gerresheimer's challenge to extend the healthcare value chain and provide cancer patients with the best possible therapy at home. Create or apply digital services and solutions that enhance home care for cancer patients, addressing the unmet needs of stakeholders from the complex healthcare system. #DecentralizedTherapy #CancerHomeCare #PatientEmpowerment

Qualification Ended

Beat the Heat: Leveraging Scientific and Technological Solutions to Protect Vulnerable Populations

Partner with Bayer in the fight against consequences of heatwaves and their impact on vulnerable populations & those in need of care. We're looking for innovative solutions that leverage technology to identify and mitigate relevant health risks caused by extreme heat. Can you develop solutions to safeguard well-being during heatwaves? #HeatWaveProtection #RemoteCare #DataScience

Qualification Ended

Solve for Tomorrow - Tech ideas of Gen next

How do you envision your future? How can novel technologies be utilized in the fields of education, sustainability, health, mobility, social inclusion or new work to create a better future? Take part and collaborate with Samsung to bring your idea that benefits our society & environment to life! We innovate together! #solvefortomorrow #techideasofgennext The voting for your favorite Tech ideas of Gen next is open now!

Qualification Ended

Scale up the Fight against Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases are a serious problem on a global scale. They severely limit patient's well-being and enjoyment of life. They put an increasing stress to economies and health care systems. This is avoidable and can be changed. A health-promoting lifestyle can prevent, halt, or even reverse a chronic disease to significantly improve both mental and physical health of a person, while also have positive effects on the economy and healthcare system.  As we want to tackle this together, we are looking for innovative approaches to improve the life of millions of people. #ehealth #makebehaviorchangestick #changelifeforbetter

Qualification Ended

Drive Transformation towards a Patient-Centric Approach

Regulations, decentralization, and false prioritization interfere efficient innovation processes and useful healthcare. Complex regulations all over the world move the focus away from the patient. Quality and compliance will always be top priority of Getinge, however, our mindset need to be shifted to keeping the patient in the center of everything we do. Be part of a change management challenge and support Getinge, a leading medical technology company, to develop future-proof management solutions for a more patient-centric innovation approach. #changemanagement #regulationmanagement #patient-centricity

Qualification Ended

Digital Healthcare Concierge as a Service

The healthcare system is very complex with numerous different actors, needs and interests. On one side there is a lack of holistic approaches to bundle everything. One the other side there is a lack of individual solutions for special needs of patients a/o stakeholders. Insurance companies have the most demanding task here: coordinate, connect, and deliver everything. Digital technologies offer great opportunities to meet all these Challenges. IKK Classic is looking for all-embracing, holistic, OR special individual solutions. Let's improve the quality of health care together! “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it”. Welcome to the glory! #futureofhealthcare #digitalhealthconcierge #connectedhealth

Qualification Ended

Co-Create the Future of Packaging

The immense carbon footprint of the global pharmaceutical and MedTech industry begs for rethinking practices along the entire value chain. Whether it is manufacturing processes, distribution and transport, or the usage and disposal of products - packaging is always the central issue. Innovate and rethink the current processes and practices along the global pharma and MedTech value chain with Uhlmann and “sustainabilize” the future of packaging. #responsiblepharma #sustainablevaluechains #sustainablepackaging

Qualification Ended

Innovate Self Medication with Real World Data

#DigitalHealth #PersonalizedMedicine #RealWorldData In der Medizin eröffnet sich durch die Möglichkeit der Sammlung und Auswertung realer patientenbezogener Daten enormes Potenzial – sowohl für die einzelnen Patient:innen als auch das gesamte Gesundheitssystem.  Arbeitet zusammen mit Bionorica an innovativen Ansätzen, die es ermöglichen, das Potenzial der personalisierten Medizin im Bereich der Selbstmedikation durch eine smarte Erhebung und Auswertung von Real World Data auszuschöpfen.

Qualification Ended

Die Lehren aus der Pandemie

#HealthCrisis #PatientBacklog #Treatment Was können wir tun, um die Behandlungssituation von Patient:innen jetzt zu verbessern und nachhaltig zukunftssicher machen? Die COVID-19-Pandemie stellt unsere Gesundheitssysteme weltweit vor enorme Herausforderungen. Neben der hohen Zahl an zu behandelnden Infizierten, ist auch ein Rückgang an Prävention, Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge von diversen Krankheiten zu verzeichnen – insbesondere bei Krebspatient:innen. Arbeite gemeinsam mit Bristol Myers Squibb an neuen Ideen, um unser Gesundheitssystem zu stützen!

Qualification Ended

Innovate Rheumatology

Smart, Digitalized, Personalized and Precise Rheumatology is at the edge of transformation. How can the entire therapy journey from prevention via identification and diagnosis to treatment be individualized and optimized with the help of modern technologies?

Qualification Ended

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