Tech-Driven Health Innovation
Craft cutting-edge Health Tech: pinpoint health needs & transform healthcare delivery together with IKK classic. Whether by enhancing existing IKK classic products or creating fresh digital offerings, your tech-driven approach can lead to impactful health services and long-lasting partnerships with one of the biggest & most innovative health insurance companies in Europe.
#HealthNeeds #HealthTech #DigitalHealth
🏆 Rewards Funded co-creation, strategic partnerships & long-term integration🕑 Deadline Jul 9, 2024, 9:59:00 PM🌎 Scope Global
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Problem Statement
IKK classic is at the forefront of a healthcare transformation, emphasizing the early detection of diverse health needs, including those traditionally overlooked. With the power of modern digital technology, we are in a unique position to identify and address marginalized health needs with remarkable precision.
The mission at IKK classic is to forge partnerships with innovators who can leverage these technological advancements. We aim to develop solutions that accurately identify specific health needs and provide targeted interventions, ultimately improving healthcare delivery.
Health Needs & Tech-Solutions
IKK classic is committed to a needs-based approach to innovation and that’s why your submission must contain two main parts:
Health Needs Assessment: Every solution must start here, pinpointing specific and perhaps overlooked health demands in the market.
(Tech-)Solution: Building on the health needs assessment, design or apply tech-driven solutions. IKK classic is open for various directions - this includes health services, prevention mechanisms, educational tools or other healthcare approaches tailored to the identified needs.
Scope of Innovation: IKK classic welcomes a range of solutions, from ready-to-partner (health) services to innovative & novel concepts awaiting development and joint implementation.
For more details about the Key Guidelines & Specifications click on the tab "Submission".
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