

Current projects from our open innovation programs from qualification phase to evaluation phases.


Unlocking the Full Potential of Recycled Leather

Unlock the full potential of recycled leather! Salamander produces high-quality recycled leather and seeks partners to scale its use across industries. Co-create sustainable products or develop certification & traceability systems that add value and boost market adoption. Join us to drive innovation and establish a long-term business partnership. Who can take part? Open to product innovators, sustainability experts, technology providers, and startups or scaleups. #SustainableLeather #ProductInnovation #Traceability

Qualification Ended

Hyundai Innovation Award

Drive the future with your ideas! How can you harness Hyundai's technologies and products to forge a greener, more sustainable world? Join Hyundai's Innovation Award to turn your visionary ideas into reality. #ProgressForHumanity #FutureOfMobility #HyundaiInnovationAward

Qualification Ended

KI-gestützte Optimierung von HR-Anfragen und Wissensmanagement 

Ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich nachhaltiger Konsumgüter sucht innovative Partner, um den Einstieg in die strategische Nutzung von GenAI zu gestalten. Entwickelt KI-basierte Lösungen zur Optimierung von HR-Prozessen und Wissensmanagement, die als Grundlage für eine langfristige KI-Integration und Partnerschaft dienen können. Zeigt uns eure Expertise & Ansätze und gewinnt einen renommierten Partner, um eure Lösungen zu skalieren! 

Qualification Ended

RWE Biodiversity Credits Challenge

Join us in a groundbreaking innovation challenge with RWE, where you’ll develop solutions to shape biodiversity credit standards and market strategies for RWE’s onshore renewables business. #BiodiversityCredits #GreenEnergyFuture #RWEChallenge

Qualification Ended

Future-Proof Pouch Cell Design

Clarios is seeking innovative solutions to enhance the sealing of Na-Ion pouch cells. Address key challenges in sealing and material selection to drive advancements in leak-proofing and durability. #BatteryInnovation #PouchCells #SealingSolutions

Qualification Ended

Innovative Substitutes for Steel and Aluminum in Formwork

Challenge the norm in formwork materials! In collaboration with Doka, we are searching for eco-friendly substitutes for steel & aluminum that can meet performance and ecological standards in Wall Formwork, Floor Formwork, and Floor Props. Elevate your solutions and scale up with Doka's global reach & expertise in the construction market. #MaterialSubstitution #SustainableConstruction #InnovativeBuildingMaterials

Qualification Ended

Alternatives to electrodeposited coatings

In partnership with this Swiss watchmaking company, we're seeking novel coating solutions for gold and nickel (or nickel-alternatives), exploring new techniques & materials. Join us in pioneering safer, sustainable innovations and scale your approaches with our partner, a renowned Swiss watchmaking company. #InnovativeCoatings #MaterialScience #WatchmakingInnovation

Qualification Ended

Venture Clienting mit EWE

EWE sucht innovative Startups, Scale-ups und Tech-Unternehmen, um gemeinsam an Lösungen in den Bereichen digitale Bürgerbeteiligung für Energieprojekte, sowie die Optimierung von Ladeinfrastrukturen zu arbeiten. #VentureClient #Energieversorgung #Ladeinfrastruktur #Bürgerbeteiligung #Wallboxes

Qualification Ended

Venture Clienting mit AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG: Innovation für nachhaltige Entsorgung

AbbVie sucht innovative Lösungsanbieter, die Recycling und Circular Economy im Medizin-Bereich auf das nächste Level bringen wollen. Der erste Use Case konzentriert sich auf Medizinprodukte. Ob Sensibilisierung, Prozessoptimierung oder Recyclingtechnologien – zeigt uns, wie eure Ideen eine nachhaltige Verwertungskette schaffen. Nutzt die Chance, mit AbbVie zusammenzuarbeiten und euer Unternehmen in einer starken Partnerschaft zu skalieren! Wer kann teilnehmen? Start-ups, Scale-ups, Beratungs- und Technologieunternehmen, die maximal 10 Jahre alt sind #VentureClient #CircularEconomy #Recycling

Qualification Ended

Venture Clienting mit Sparkasse Bremen

Sparkasse Bremen sucht innovative Startups, Scale-ups und Tech-Unternehmen, die im Rahmen des Venture-Client-Inkubators gemeinsam an Lösungen in einen von zwei Bereichen arbeiten wollen 1) KI-basierte Finanztools für Selbstbestimmung oder Finanzwissen oder 2) Nachhaltigkeits-Angebote für den Mittelstand #VentureClient #SmartFinance #Nachhaltigkeit

Qualification Ended

Code Green: RWE's Green Tech Challenge

Unleash the potential of your tech skills to drive sustainability! RWE Renewables is on a quest for tech enthusiasts who are ready to blend their passion for software development with a commitment to renewable energy. Deadline: August 18, 2024 (11:59PM CEST) #RWEChallenge #RenewableEnergy #FutureMakers

Qualification Ended

University Innovation Challenges

Step into ekipa Academic Alliance’s arena where innovation meets impact. Accept the challenge to address global issues with your unique solutions. Compete with peers, collaborate with top-tier companies, and vie for prize money. Your ideas can ignite change—submit your approaches for one of our open innovation challenges today and be the innovation the world awaits!

Qualification Ended

Du. Mit uns. Für mehr Nachhaltigkeit: Die Westenergie-Challenge

Deine Ideen können mehr als nur Theorie sein! Bei der Westenergie-Challenge zählt jeder Ansatz, der innovative Technologien und Umweltschutz vereint, um Westenergie in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu führen. Deadline: 30. Juni 2024 um 23:59 Uhr (MESZ) #SustainableByInnovation #WestenergieChallenge #FutureMakers

Qualification Ended

Spotlight 2050: Revealing the Unseen

Spot a „snow leopard": in foresight this is an existing but underestimated phenomenon with a potential to shape the future. Join the rad°hub challenge to reveal a neglected trend or tool that will impact future generations. Deadline: May 13, 2024 at 23:59 (CEST) #snowleopards #foresight #future #radhub #bmwgroup

Qualification Ended

Deloitte's Quantum Climate Challenge 2024 – Flood Prediction

We invite you to explore quantum computing and machine learning by tackling the challenge to develop a new approach in enhancing flood forecasting and disaster prediction to improve climate resilience. #quantumcomputing #QuantumML #machinelearning #floodprediction #climatechange

Qualification Ended

Sustainable Construction & Machinery: Advancing Zero Emissions and Circularity

Join us in reshaping the construction industry towards zero emissions. Show us your innovative approaches for sustainable construction and machinery, focusing on circular approaches, data-driven efficiency, or customer-centric innovation.

Qualification Ended

Transformation in Healthcare: Reshaping Sustainability with GLS Bank 

Unlock the future of sustainable healthcare! Join GLS Bank's challenge to revolutionize the sustainability transformation of nursing homes and healthcare facilities. Dive deep into the ESG criteria, identify real needs, and craft a holistic consulting concept. Your innovative solutions can reshape the SMEs healthcare landscape, fostering long-term sustainability alongside GLS Bank's commitment to positive change.

Qualification Ended

Visual Insights - Innovative Visualisierung von Prozessdaten der Energiebranche

Gemeinsam mit Iqony könnt ihr die Effizienz von Windkraftanlagen erhöhen. Wie können komplexe Prozessdaten von Windkraftanlagen durch kreative und intuitive Visualisierungen besser nutzbar gemacht werden? Werde Teil der Visual Insights Challenge und entwickle innovative Visualisierungen für komplexe Prozessdaten, um den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien voranzutreiben!

Qualification Ended

Next-Gen of Urban Mobility: Service Hubs

Bist Du bereit für die Revolution der urbanen Mobilität? Nimm an unserer Innovation Challenge teil und hilf Volkswagen dabei, ein modulares Konzept für rentable Service-Hubs in öffentlichen Räumen zu schaffen. Entwickle innovative Business Models um Dienstleistungen wie Parken, Aufladen, Wartung und mehr zu kombinieren, und den Alltag vieler Menschen zu erleichtern.

Qualification Ended

Innovative Solutions for Extended Life of PV Modules

Millions of photovoltaic modules are going to reach the end of their proposed lifespan in close or midterm future, but many are still functional. You are challenged to come up with innovative solutions to evaluate the functionality of these modules and propose concepts for a second life- or re-use. Join forces with SOLARIMO to improve the efficiency and lifetime of PV modules and build a more circular energy industry.

Qualification Ended

Sustainable Facade Systems

As the world faces pressing climate concerns, sustainable construction takes center stage. Be part and co-create groundbreaking innovations for facade fastening systems with Würth. Tackle the problem of thermal bridges through new materials/ methods or build circular approaches that help to reuse deconstructed panels/ cladding/ sub-constructions. #SmartFastening #EngineeringInnovation #AdvancedFacadeFastening #FacadeConstructionSystems

Qualification Ended

Adhesive Technology for Drinking Water Pipes

As resources such as water are becoming scarce, the demand for clean water is on the rise. In this challenge, we aim to find novel adhesive approaches for bonding pipes that not only stay ahead of regulatory shifts but also champion sustainability. Collaborate with Aliaxis to make a lasting impact on the future of fluid management. #WaterPipesBonding #AdhesiveSolutions

Qualification Ended

Zero-waste Electroplating: Transforming the Chemistry of Silver Coating for a Sustainable Watch Industry

The process of electroplating, used to coat watch dials, is causing major environmental challenges. Together with a major swiss watchmaking company we're seeking sustainable, eco-friendly approaches for non-toxic, longer-lasting silver electroplating solutions. Let's collaborate to build a greener watchmaking industry.

Qualification Ended

Beat the Heat: Leveraging Scientific and Technological Solutions to Protect Vulnerable Populations

Partner with Bayer in the fight against consequences of heatwaves and their impact on vulnerable populations & those in need of care. We're looking for innovative solutions that leverage technology to identify and mitigate relevant health risks caused by extreme heat. Can you develop solutions to safeguard well-being during heatwaves? #HeatWaveProtection #RemoteCare #DataScience

Qualification Ended

Accelerate Impact Investing with Blockchain-based dApps

Join our challenge to develop a user-friendly dApp that enables investors to discover, invest in, and trade sustainable assets while ensuring transparency and accountability. Partner with LBBW and leverage the SWIAT-platform to create a novel offering that addresses the growing demand for impactful investing.

Qualification Ended

Enpulse Call: Carbon Management

CO2 in unserer Atmosphäre wirkt als Brandbeschleuniger für den Klimawandel. Wir suchen Eure Startup-Ideen, um bereits vorhandenes CO2 der Atmosphäre zu entziehen, es für weitere Zwecke nutzbar zu machen oder mithilfe von Nachweisführung Transparenz über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette herzustellen. #CarbonManagement #StartupProgram #Scholarships

Qualification Ended

Solve for Tomorrow - Tech ideas of Gen next

How do you envision your future? How can novel technologies be utilized in the fields of education, sustainability, health, mobility, social inclusion or new work to create a better future? Take part and collaborate with Samsung to bring your idea that benefits our society & environment to life! We innovate together! #solvefortomorrow #techideasofgennext The voting for your favorite Tech ideas of Gen next is open now!

Qualification Ended

Deloitte’s Quantum Climate Challenge 2023

Deloitte Quantum.Link invites you to explore quantum computing for materials research by tackling the challenge of simulating materials that filter carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and may help reach the 2°C goal. In addition, special highlights await our finalists. #quantumcomputing #climatechange #quantumchemistry #chemistry #directaircapture

Qualification Ended

Sustainable Construction in Rural Regions

Sustainable and green construction is one of the most relevant areas in which sustainable concepts need to be introduced and applied. However, in rural areas, this trend is not very advanced, because the whole focus often lies on urban development. Therefore, RWZ concentrates on rural development and within the framework of this challenge aims to find solutions on how to implement green and sustainable concepts for construction and energy supply in rural areas. #greenbuilding #sustainableruraldevelopment #energyefficiency

Qualification Ended

Future of sustainable energy concepts

The increasing climatic challenges as well as political geo-crises have an ever more immense influence on energy consumption. Sustainable energy concepts and renewable energies can efficiently counteract these challenges. However, this requires innovative and intelligent solutions that ensure the development of sustainable, implementable and climate-friendly energy concepts by processing complex data sets. #smartenergyconcepts #energytransisition

Qualification Ended

More Sustainable Surfactants for Home & Personal Cleaning Products

Surfactants are at the center of our efforts to drive the sustainable transformation of our raw materials. It’s a key ingredient for detergents and shampoos as well as provides dirt and grease-removing power. However, many surfactants today are fossil-based, which is not renewable, or derived from natural inputs whose sourcing has secondary, negative impacts. We are calling on creative minds in the market to help us find new, sustainable ingredients that are based on natural raw materials that optimize environmental, economic and social impacts. We are committed to pursuing sustainable and purposeful growth, and we would be excited to have you join us to strive for a more sustainable future. #renewableingredients #natureinspiredsurfactants

Qualification Ended

Enabling green transition

Climate protection and thus the issue of sustainability have become increasingly prevalent in recent years and play an ever-greater role in business and society. Credit institutions have been assigned a central role in the green transformation, as financing decisions have a direct influence on investment decisions and money flows. Banks can thus be seen as catalysts in the transformation of an economy. Accordingly, Haspa's wants you to help them deal more actively with the topic of sustainability as well as climate protection. #greentransitionenabler #sustainabilityfinance #sustainabilityenhancingoffers

Qualification Ended

Future of efficient Bio-PE

Currently, Essity's packaging is made from post-consumer recycled material (PCR) and partly from bio-polyethylene. However, bio-PE is currently still very cost-intensive and scarce in procurement. Therefore, this challenge is looking for alternative feedstock or materials for the bio-PE share, which are sustainable, recyclable and industrially feasible. #flexiblePEsolutions #BiofeedstockforPE

Qualification Ended

Discover new Systems for the preservation of certified natural and organic cosmetics

With increasing safety concerns regarding the use of preservatives in personal care products, the demand for preservative-free, natural alternatives is growing. As a renowned natural & organic cosmetics manufacturer, Weleda is looking for novel and safe preservation-systems. #naturalcosmetics #multifunctionalingredients #alternativepreservation

Qualification Ended

Enabling the Future of Railway Systems

The ongoing pressure to tackle technological hurdles for new applications and growing environmental sensitivity are confronting the transport sector with a range of new challenges.  Novel engineering and materials solutions are required to increase the longevity of the railroad line as well as to optimize flexibility or strength, and low emissions of the various components. #AdvancedRailSystemMaterial #FutureRailSystemsMaterial

Qualification Ended

Öffentlich-rechtliche Plattform der Zukunft

Die Welt funktioniert in Plattformen: Meta, Google oder Amazon verstehen es, die Nutzer:innen in ihren eigenen Welten zu halten. Wie könnte ein solches Plattform-Ökosystem aussehen, wenn es vom öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk gestellt wird? Wie kann ein Anbieter wie der WDR es schaffen, ein am Gemeinwohl orientiertes Gesamterlebnis zu gestalten? #publicserviceplatform #futureconsumer #platformecosystem

Qualification Ended

Local Family – Eine Plattform für Familien in der Region

Wöchentlich erreicht Nussbaum Medien eine aktive Community von über 1,1 Millionen Haushalten. Insbesondere junge Familien können davon profitieren und ihren Alltag erleichtern sowie ihr Leben aktiver und nachhaltiger gestalten.   Ziel ist es, die Übermittlung wichtiger Nachrichten, Informationen und kommunaler Angebote an die Familien in der Region zu verbessern und das Potential von lokalen & regionalen Inhalten zu erschließen und für Familien voll ausschöpfen.  #LocalFamilyNews #Hyperlokalität #ZukunftderRegionalenKommunikation

Qualification Ended

Mystery Waste Box – Wie die Digitalisierung das Rätsel der Abfallzusammensetzung lösen kann

In der Abfallindustrie bedarf es effizienterer technologisch führender Systeme, um eine verbesserte Müllerkennung, folglich auch Sortierung und Abfalltrennung zu gewährleisten und somit Müll ressourcenschonend und -gewinnend zu grüner Energie zu verarbeiten. #futurewastedisposal #digitalwastedetectionassistant #digitalwasterecognitionassistant

Qualification Ended

Accelerating ESG-related legal research technology

Partner with Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, to build an AI-based application to automate the monitoring of enacted and planned ESG regulations in the area of real estate development! #AIforESG #SustainableLegal #RealEstateRegTech #LegalTech

Qualification Ended

Co-Create the Future of Packaging

The immense carbon footprint of the global pharmaceutical and MedTech industry begs for rethinking practices along the entire value chain. Whether it is manufacturing processes, distribution and transport, or the usage and disposal of products - packaging is always the central issue. Innovate and rethink the current processes and practices along the global pharma and MedTech value chain with Uhlmann and “sustainabilize” the future of packaging. #responsiblepharma #sustainablevaluechains #sustainablepackaging

Qualification Ended

Digital & Sustainable Solutions for Future Logistics and Transportation of Goods

Let's start and innovate together with Bosch to create a more efficient, more sustainable, more intelligent, more exciting and safer logistic industry.  The Mobility of Goods causes many emissions and many of them are due to inefficiencies along the supply chain. Closing the digitalization-gap and building novel solutions for the logistics industry can help. #ExcitingLogistics #SustainableMobilityOfGoods #DigitalServices

Qualification Ended

Innovate Sustainable Mobility

The future of mobility must be sustainable! But are we really open to shift to an electrified and sustainable world and stop using vehicles that are responsible for more than 10% of global carbon emissions? We need to change and drive the innovative transformation in industry, infrastructure, society and the combustion culture. If we want to overcome the obstacles and succeed, we need to exploit new digital opportunities. Start your idea engine and drive a major change that makes mobility holistically cleaner, safer, and more sustainable. #MobilityTransformation #SustainableMobility#MobilityEcosytem

Qualification Ended

Sustainable Innovation on Digitized Construction and Mining Sites

Construction/Mining must become more efficient & sustainable! IoT and digital services for workers, machines & processes promise to help. Key is a stable, reliable, and independent network connection - ubiquitous connectivity - exactly what proves difficult on large construction/mining sites. Work together with Liebherr to build stable connection to cloud services without local cellular network connectivity using pre-existing devices. #sustainableconstruction #sustainablemining #reliableconnectivity

Qualification Ended

Solve for Tomorrow: Urban Environmental Protection

How do you envision your future? What role will technology play to build a better and more sustainable future? Collaborate with Samsung to make your ideas about the future society real! We support you in bringing your idea that benefits our society and our environment to life. WE INNOVATE TOGETHER! Sign up for our free Design Thinking Workshops (Monday, June 20th & 27th) via the tab submission now.

Qualification Ended

Quantum Climate Challenge 2022

Click here to be part of the new Deloitte's Quantum Climate Challenge 2023! Quantum.Link by Deloitte invites you to investigate how Quantum Computing can be used to reduce the negative impact of air travel on the climate by optimizing flight trajectories.

Qualification Ended

Digital4Climate – The Move towards a Circular Economy

#digital4climate #circulareconomy #co2neutrality The future of production and industry sectors worldwide is circular. However, the transition requires collective action to overhaul existing structures and processes completely. Together with our challenge partners, the United Nations and the European Commission, we’re looking for innovative digital solutions to accelerate the transition towards circularity in urban contexts. Apply to this challenge if you’re working on a solution that can speed up the process of change. 

Qualification Ended

Digitize Rural-Urban Agriculture

#agritech #africanfarming #sustainableagriculture Climate change, COVID-19 and conflicts challenge us to innovatively rethink our food systems. Ensuring just-food supplies in African countries requires smart systems and digital technologies for farmers to boost productivity, make food systems more resilient and thus contribute to the sustainable development of cities and communities. Does your idea have what it takes to contribute to solving this challenge? With our partner Atos, we’re looking for scalable digital ideas to boost a smart and sustainable system for urban food supplies on the African continent. 

Qualification Ended

Digital4Climate – Enhancing Climate Resilience

#digital4climate #climatechange #resilience Digital solutions have the power to enhance climate resilience for communities worldwide. From risk management to collective decision making – we believe the possibilities of digital are endless. Together with our challenge partners, the United Nations and the European Commission, we’re looking for scalable approaches that make cities and communities more resilient.  This is your chance to scale your idea and impact beyond your core market.

Qualification Ended

Digital4Climate – Transformative Climate Actions

#digital4climate #greentransformation #co2neutrality Do you believe a digital solution can change our business practices and consumption behaviors towards sustainability and carbon-neutrality? Do you have an idea, or are you already working on a project that makes sustainability the new status quo? Together with our challenge partners, the United Nations and the European Commission, we’re looking for individuals and teams that use digital for climate action. 

Qualification Ended

Connected & Sustainable Urban Mobility

#urbanmobility #sustainablemobility #emergingcountries The current pace of urbanization and thus the increasing need for smarter and greener ways of transport is a topic for cities and towns worldwide. Together with our partner BOSCH, we’re looking for digital mobility ideas and solutions to ensure sustainable urban development in developing and emerging countries. Participate in this challenge and partner with one of the largest suppliers of mobility products that can support you scale your project. 

Qualification Ended

Urban Green Recovery

#innovateRwanda #sustainablecities #urbaninfrastructure Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, wants to become a blueprint for sustainable and green cities by 2030. Faced with massive urban growth, the government of Rwanda is looking for smart, climate-friendly solutions that boost the quality of life through improving access and management of green urban infrastructure. This is a challenge for you if you’d like to see your idea come to life to elevate the living quality of Kigali’s citizens. Don’t hesitate to submit! 

Qualification Ended

Building a Smart and Waste-Free Destination

- Spanish Briefing available / bases del concurso disponible en español - #innovateecuador #sustainabledevelopment #smarttourism The local government of Portoviejo in Ecuador strives to create a blueprint for a sustainable and smart destination. They want to build a wonderful place to live for residents and an attractive destination for tourists. Therefore they’ve teamed up with us to look for technology-driven innovations that foster positive change. Whether it’s solutions that you’ve established somewhere else already or want to submit a yet unseen idea, this challenge is for you! 

Qualification Ended

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