Current projects from our open innovation programs from qualification phase to evaluation phases.
Ethical Innovation in Healthcare Technology
Die Gesundheitsversorgung steht vor großen Veränderungen. Werde Teil unserer Challenge und zeige, wie die Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung verantwortungsvoll gestaltet werden kann! Erforsche mit uns die ethischen Auswirkungen von digitalen Technologien wie Künstlicher Intelligenz, Gesundheits-Apps und Robotik auf die medizinische, therapeutische und pflegerische Praxis und die Gesellschaft. Deadline: 16. Februar 2025, 23:59 Uhr (CET)
KI-gestützte Optimierung von HR-Anfragen und Wissensmanagement
Ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich nachhaltiger Konsumgüter sucht innovative Partner, um den Einstieg in die strategische Nutzung von GenAI zu gestalten. Entwickelt KI-basierte Lösungen zur Optimierung von HR-Prozessen und Wissensmanagement, die als Grundlage für eine langfristige KI-Integration und Partnerschaft dienen können. Zeigt uns eure Expertise & Ansätze und gewinnt einen renommierten Partner, um eure Lösungen zu skalieren!
Shape the Future of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Rohde & Schwarz
At the Rohde & Schwarz Challenge, your ideas can be more than just theory! We're looking for innovative approaches to advance the development and application of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS). #RohdeSchwarz #RIS #6g #FutureMakers
Boosting Efficiency & Empowering Retail Employees through Smart Solutions
Partner with Wanzl, a leader in retail solutions, to develop smart hardware solutions that tackle labor shortages and reduce operational strain in the Food & Near Food sectors. #SmartRetail #RetailAutomation #InnovateWithWanzl
Driving Innovation with Speech-based Conversational AI
LBBW is calling on AI experts to develop a proof of concept showcasing that speech-based conversational AI can enhance verbal communication in complex B2B environments. Starting with real estate financing, help us explore how AI-driven spoken dialogue systems can streamline decision-making and stakeholder interactions. Successful participants will gain access to co-creation opportunities, research collaborations, or long-term partnerships with LBBW. #ConversationalAI #NaturalLanguageProcessing #B2BCommunication #RealEstateFinancing #LLMSolutions
Venture Clienting mit Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim sucht innovative Startups und Scale-ups, die gemeinsam an Innovationen in den Bereichen Digital Twins, AI-Driven Data Analytics und Digital Showrooms arbeiten wollen. #VentureClient #AI #DigitalTwin #DigitalShowroom
Venture Clienting mit Sparkasse Bremen
Sparkasse Bremen sucht innovative Startups, Scale-ups und Tech-Unternehmen, die im Rahmen des Venture-Client-Inkubators gemeinsam an Lösungen in einen von zwei Bereichen arbeiten wollen 1) KI-basierte Finanztools für Selbstbestimmung oder Finanzwissen oder 2) Nachhaltigkeits-Angebote für den Mittelstand #VentureClient #SmartFinance #Nachhaltigkeit
AI-Assistant for Content Generation
Join our challenge to automate content creation with AI! First goal is to co-create a prototype focusing on text-based outputs like newsletters or blog posts. Gain paid collaboration opportunities, career advancement, and exclusive certifications with Deutsche Telekom IoT #AIAssistant #ContentManagement #MarketingAutomation
AI im Engineering: Smarte Fahrzeugentwicklung
Rheinmetall strebt, unterstützt durch state-of-the-art KI-Modelle, eine Revolution im Entwicklungsprozess von Landfahrzeugen an. Ziel: Schluss mit manueller Datenzusammenführung durch Ingenieure hin zu einem KI-Assistenten, der präzise, datenbasierte Konzepte für Komponenten und Baugruppen eines Fahrzeugs liefert. Nimm teil, sichere dir eine wichtige Business-Partnerschaft und präge mit uns die Zukunft des Engineerings! Deadline: 09. Juli 2024 um 23:59 Uhr (MESZ) #AI&Innovation #VehicleConstruction #DataDrivenEngineering
KI-Innovationen: Nächste Stufe der Kundeninteraktion
Die Württembergische Versicherung AG sucht bahnbrechende AI & GenAI-Innovationen, um die eigene Landingpage zu transformieren. Einreichungsdeadline: 09.07.2024, 11:59 Uhr MEZ/MESZ #GenAI #DigitalCustomerJourney #InnovativeInsurance
Tech-Driven Health Innovation
We are seeking cutting-edge tech-driven approaches that can lead to impactful health services. Deadline: June 25, 2024 at 23:59pm (CEST) #HealthNeeds #HealthTech #DigitalHealth
Use AI to revolutionize banks' risk management and decision-making
We are seeking innovative solutions that integrate Large Language Models with traditional quantitative analytics to predict financial risks with greater accuracy. Deadline: July 9, 2024 at 23:59pm (CEST) #AIRiskPrediction #FinancialAnalytics #AIinBanking
Foundation Model Evaluator
Develop an innovative concept or prototype to assess & evaluate the performance of foundation models, optimizing their selection process for practical AI use cases. Deadline: July 9, 2024 at 23:59pm (CEST) #GenAI #FoundationModels #ModelEvaluation
Solve for Tomorrow - AI for Society
Calling all Gen Z visionaries! Ready to revolutionize the world with AI? Get ready for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow - AI for Society Program – where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. From reimagining healthcare to shaping the future of education, this is your chance to make a real impact. Ready to make waves and leave your mark? #AIforsociety #solvefortomorrow
Deloitte's Quantum Climate Challenge 2024 – Flood Prediction
We invite you to explore quantum computing and machine learning by tackling the challenge to develop a new approach in enhancing flood forecasting and disaster prediction to improve climate resilience. #quantumcomputing #QuantumML #machinelearning #floodprediction #climatechange
Generative AI as a personal agent for knowledge management processes
Unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence and generative models in the pharmaceutical industry together with Boehringer Ingelheim by developing personalized AI agents that support health workers in knowledge management, research & content creation. Shape the future of human-machine interaction and master demanding challenges in the pharmaceutical industry together.
Beat the Heat: Leveraging Scientific and Technological Solutions to Protect Vulnerable Populations
Partner with Bayer in the fight against consequences of heatwaves and their impact on vulnerable populations & those in need of care. We're looking for innovative solutions that leverage technology to identify and mitigate relevant health risks caused by extreme heat. Can you develop solutions to safeguard well-being during heatwaves? #HeatWaveProtection #RemoteCare #DataScience
Visual Intelligence and 3D-Modelling for next-level Retail
Collaborate with a leading multinational retail-group and leverage new technological advancements in visual intelligence to automate 3D-modelling. Transform the way retailers handle product imagery to enable faster and more accurate inventory management, improved customer experiences, and optimized supply chains. For the roll-out of a scalable solution, there would be an adequate multi-million project budget available after the challenge.
A personalized pension guide with AI
Have you ever felt overwhelmed, confused or bored by the pension system, your pension scheme, or entitlements? Join APG, a leading pension provider in the Netherlands, in exploring the use of generative AI like ChatGPT to provide tailored insightful and relevant information about retirement planning that meets everyone´s unique needs. Let us hear your innovative ideas!
Venture Capital meets AI
Explore the Fusion of Venture Capital and AI! This innovation challenge invites you to uncover new technological opportunities for strategic investment and VC financing. How can AI enhance the process of identifying promising startups for venture capital investment? How can AI transform the way companies secure capital? Discover new opportunities and shape the future of strategic investment in the era of AI!
Next Level Banking with GPT
Sparkasse Bremen, a leading bank in Germany, and its affiliates Smavesto (Roboadvisor) and Flexi (Proptech) are seeking your solutions to enhance their services using cutting-edge technologies like GPT. Can you design innovative solutions to improve customer service and enhance marketing efforts for exciting financial services ?
Solve for Tomorrow - Tech ideas of Gen next
How do you envision your future? How can novel technologies be utilized in the fields of education, sustainability, health, mobility, social inclusion or new work to create a better future? Take part and collaborate with Samsung to bring your idea that benefits our society & environment to life! We innovate together! #solvefortomorrow #techideasofgennext The voting for your favorite Tech ideas of Gen next is open now!
Future of sustainable energy concepts
The increasing climatic challenges as well as political geo-crises have an ever more immense influence on energy consumption. Sustainable energy concepts and renewable energies can efficiently counteract these challenges. However, this requires innovative and intelligent solutions that ensure the development of sustainable, implementable and climate-friendly energy concepts by processing complex data sets. #smartenergyconcepts #energytransisition
Mystery Waste Box – Wie die Digitalisierung das Rätsel der Abfallzusammensetzung lösen kann
In der Abfallindustrie bedarf es effizienterer technologisch führender Systeme, um eine verbesserte Müllerkennung, folglich auch Sortierung und Abfalltrennung zu gewährleisten und somit Müll ressourcenschonend und -gewinnend zu grüner Energie zu verarbeiten. #futurewastedisposal #digitalwastedetectionassistant #digitalwasterecognitionassistant
Digital Future Challenge
Werde aktiv für eine der kommenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit: Entwickle innovative Ideen und Ansätze zu den Themen New Work & Einführung neuer Technologien & Innovationen wie z.B. Roboter, künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Quantencomputing und gestalte unsere digitale Zukunft wegweisend mit!
Joyful Diversity with AI
Support the BMW Group and its employees to shape a joyful working environment & an inclusive communication. Together with passion we can make a difference for a better future. #AIforDiversity #InclusiveCommunication #ModernWorkEnvironment
Accelerating Cyber Intelligence
Work with the Fraport AG, one of the leading players in the global airport business, to find a solution against cyberattacks resulting from security breaches, which are an extremely serious problem for safety-relevant sectors like airport operators. #CyberVulnerabilityManagement #AIforCyberSecurity #CyberIntelligence
Accelerating ESG-related legal research technology
Partner with Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, to build an AI-based application to automate the monitoring of enacted and planned ESG regulations in the area of real estate development! #AIforESG #SustainableLegal #RealEstateRegTech #LegalTech
The Future of Smart Fleet Planning
Come together with SIXT, the global premium service provider and innovation leader in the mobility sector, to find new data-driven approaches and data science-based solutions including the use of AI that offer enormous potential for the comprehensive optimization of fleet planning process. #SustainableFleetPlanning #FleetOptimization #DataDrivenFleet
Digital & Sustainable Solutions for Future Logistics and Transportation of Goods
Let's start and innovate together with Bosch to create a more efficient, more sustainable, more intelligent, more exciting and safer logistic industry. The Mobility of Goods causes many emissions and many of them are due to inefficiencies along the supply chain. Closing the digitalization-gap and building novel solutions for the logistics industry can help. #ExcitingLogistics #SustainableMobilityOfGoods #DigitalServices
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