Joyful Diversity with AI
Diversity is key to innovation. A more diverse, inclusive and equal world is a more joyful world where creativity can emerge & new ideas can flourish. What are your ideas to build trust & equality, to promote inclusiveness & diversity? Accelerate the cultural transformation at the BMW Group & drive the mind-set shift in society - with the integration of intelligent AI solutions! Support the BMW Group and its employees to shape a joyful working environment & an inclusive communication. Together with passion we can make a difference for a better future.
#AIforDiversity #InclusiveCommunication #ModernWorkEnvironment
✅ Challenge completed 🏁 Winner Congratulations to Bias Busters & X-Force!🏆 Rewards Prize pool of EUR 5,000 + funding and collaboration programs + joint paper🌎 Scope International - open to participants from all over the world
This challenge is part of the AI & Data Science Innovation program. You can find an overview of the program and the other challenges here.
Diversity and Inclusion are Key
Joy through diversity at the BMW Group: Diversity in Working Environment & Inclusive Communications with AI.
Technological and societal change is transforming the landscape in every industry. Our working relationships are no longer regional but global. Workplaces today are more diverse and globally connected than ever before - and this is great!
Promoting diversity, fairness, equality, and justice in the workplace is not only the right thing to do, but also a natural driver of innovation. Allowing everyone equal access and providing a working atmosphere that is free, equal, and respectful of differences - fostering a joyful and creative space for new ideas to flourish. It enables better understanding, reflection, and more intelligent decisions about the various requirements of stakeholders from all over the world.
However, we at BMW Group want to drive diversity to the next level.
Employers must ensure to create a social work setting, which supports inclusion, gender shift and equality. Great brands must serve as important role models to drive change not only in business but also in society.
To do so the possibilities of data and its systematic analysis have never been greater.
Systematically reducing bias in work environments, communication and value creation using real-time data and analytics designed to test, measure, and reduce bias offers huge potential. We need to manage diversity, equity, and inclusion in the same data-driven and intelligent way we manage the rest of an organization.
To build trust, equality, and promote diversity the BMW Group wants to build intelligent and performing solutions together with you. The key question of our challenge is therefore:
How can AI solutions help to support diversity, gender shift, inclusion, and equality in working environments and communication?
The question is deliberately broad: While, for example, the hiring process of employees is the basis for diversity, good management of this diversity through inclusion is the extremely important follow-up and acting as a role model through external communication can extend the impact beyond the company itself.
Possible key areas along the BMW Group enterprise processes could therefore be:
- Developing, promoting and retaining diverse talent and building inclusive teams
- Solving and avoiding conflicts or misunderstandings due to lack of gender equality in daily team work
- Identifying and preventing misleading of public communications related to products, customers and strategies
For more inspiring information regarding relevant topic areas of the BMW Group and the specifications and criteria for the AI-driven solution visit the tab "Important Details" and “Submission”.
Let´s promote diversity, gender shift, inclusion, and equality together!
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