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Venture Capital meets AI

Explore the Fusion of Venture Capital and AI! This innovation challenge invites you to uncover new technological opportunities for strategic investment and VC financing. How can AI enhance the process of identifying promising startups for venture capital investment? How can AI transform the way companies secure capital? Discover new opportunities and shape the future of strategic investment in the era of AI!

#VCmeetsAI #FutureofVC #Investmentstrategies #AIinvestment

  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Congratulations to Sircular & Vestberrians!
  • 🏆  Rewards
    EUR 5,000 prize pool + potential investment, collaboration or employment
  • 🪙 AI & Data Science

    This challenge is part of the AI & Data Science Innovation Program

The Challenge
Winning Teams
Opportunity Areas

Here is a brief overview on the content and what to expect when joining the challenge. Further, more detailed information can be found in the following tabs.


Join one of our weekly Q&A calls (Tuesdays: 11:00AM CEST and Thursdays: 05:00PM CEST)

Send us an e-mail with your questions to: projects

Subject: AI Innovation Program

Want to share the challenge?

Download our pdf version of the OnePager here: AI Innovation Program One Pager - Almi Challenge

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