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Sustainable Construction in Rural Regions

Climate action requires broad implementation of new various concepts, which contribute to sustainability according to the various criteria. Sustainable and green construction, for instance, is one of the most relevant areas in which sustainable concepts need to be introduced and applied.

However, in rural areas this trend is not very advanced, because the whole focus often lies on urban development. Therefore, RWZ concentrates on rural development and within the framework of this challenge aims to find solutions on how to implement green and sustainable concepts for construction and energy supply in rural areas.

#greenbuilding #sustainableruraldevelopment #energyefficiency

  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Congratulations to Team Rehub Forge!
  • 🏆  Rewards
  • 🌎 Scope


The Challenge
Important Details
About RWZ

Here is a brief overview on the content and what to expect when joining the challenge. Further, more detailed information can be found in the following tabs.


Want to share the challenge?

Download our pdf version of the OnePager here: Innovate2030 SDG 13 One Pager - RWZ Challenge

Do you have any questions about the challenge or your participation?

Join our weekly Q&A Calls in which our project team will answer all your questions, every Tuesday from 4:00-4:30 pm. Click here to register.

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