Innovate export packing
A key driver of sustainable production and consumption are the underlying supply chains, the flow of goods and therefore also the way those goods are packed. Address the problem that traditional materials do not necessarily have a positive sustainability footprint! Work together with the logistic-hub duisport and develop alternative approaches for timber-based export packings to align ecological and economic targets.
To support you in your idea and team generation process, you have the opportunity to participate in one of our digital Design Thinking Workshop - register here or find more information here.
✅ Challenge completed 🏁 Winner Congrats to the UK-Poland Group!🏆 Rewards 20,000 € prize pool prize pool in the Innovate2030 project + joint publication with all stakeholders + chance for further cooperation with duisport
Criteria & guidelines
Findings and assumptions made
It is insinuated, that export packing cannot be avoided.
It is further suggested that export packing is widely ignored within the supply chain, while being a substantial milestone with considerable impact:
- There is little awareness for packing-related subjects.
- There is little interest for change.
- Substitute products must provide a considerable economical edge.
Lastly, it is argued that supply chain risks and the ecological aspects have been subordinated to economical targets in the past.
Targets to be achieved
- Alternative packing materials shall have the same technical functionality and provide the level of asset protection compared to traditional packing materials
- Alternative packing materials shall have a (more) positive eco impact
- Alternative packing materials shall have an equal or positive cost effect
Criteria that need to be followed
Export packing today is regulated by industry-wide accepted standards such as HPE, SEI and similar packing codes defining minimum packing requirements.
Packing and thus your approaches must thus comply with those minimum standards, which may be tightened by customer and/or project specific packing requirements.
Import laws in the country of destination may impact export packing and must also be considered (e.g. Saudi Arabia in regards of importing plastic).
If you need to dig into these topics for your approach, you'll find helpful links and reading recommendations below:
- BFSV Verpackungsinstitut Hamburg GmbH: www.bfsv.de
- Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten, Exportverpackung (HPE) e.V.: www.hpe.de
- Transport-Informations-Service (TIS) des Gesamtverbandes der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV): www.tis-gdv.de
- Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Digitale Infrastruktur (Hrsg.): Verfahrensregeln der IMO/ILO/UNECE für das Packen von Güterbeförderungseinheiten, Dortmund 2015
- Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten, Exportverpackung (HPE) e.V. (Hrsg.): Verpackungsrichtlinie, 4. Aufl., Bad Honnef 2018
Approaches that have already been pursued
A scientific status-quo in terms of the research question needs to be elaborated. As outlined, export packing today is widely ignored both in terms of functional and economic aspects. Therefore, there has been little to no incentive to search for alternative products.
Composite materials such as plywood or OSB (oriented strand boards) have been emerging as substitutes and are considered the only alternatives to timber today. Yet neither alternative provides equal technical characteristics nor the same level of suitability as timber
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