
sdg12-bsh's provider logo

Rethink logistics for take-back systems

Key aspects of sustainable consumption and production are the reuse or repurposing of old products and materials to contribute to a circular economy. Together with BSH you will develop novel approaches to “sustainabilize” their reverse logistics program across Europe, which will help to collectively drive a more sustainable economy.

To support you in your idea and team generation process, you have the opportunity to participate in one of our digital Design Thinking Workshop - register here or find more information here.


  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Congrats to Team Mission BSH!
  • 🏆  Rewards
    20,000 € prize pool prize pool in the Innovate2030 project + joint publication with all stakeholders + chance for further cooperation with BSH Home Appliances
Important details
About BSH
Design Thinking

Submission Template

For the elaboration of the Use Cases within the Innovate 2030 project, a common submission template is available. This template will help you to structure your ideas and approaches and to find answers to all relevant questions.


In addition to this submission template, you will find specific requirements and guiding questions for your Use Case in the "Guiding Questions" tab, which you need to consider when preparing your submission.

You can also complement your submission with prototypes, pitch decks, image and video materials, higher-level concepts, or specific use case-related instruments – simply submit these documents along with the submission template via our platform.

The goal is that through this approach (submission template, guiding questions and optional documents), solutions within the overall project can cover a broad spectrum: From concrete digital product ideas to higher-level visions.


Guiding questions

  • At which point in the collection chain is it most appropriate to sort out BSH appliances?
  • At which point in the collection chain is it most appropriate to decide whether an appliance should be sent for refurbishment/parts harvesting or for recycling?
  • Is it more appropriate to send the collected appliances to one central point of treatment in Germany/Europe? Or would it be more appropriate to setup different treatment centers (i.e., both from an environmental and economic perspective)?
  • Is it more (cost) efficient to organize a dedicated logistics for BSH appliances which collects appliances directly at the end-consumers?
  • What type of collection actors are available, who would be suitable for partnering with BSH (e.g., bulk transportation, single appliance collection etc.)?
  • Is it possible to combine delivery logistics with takeback logistics? If so, how?
  • How to integrate the different stakeholders in the collection network of BSH appliances?
  • How could the difficulties in transportation of end-of-life or used appliances, which is different from new ones, be solved (e.g., water leakages, no packaging creates risk of damages during transport (e.g., unstable, stacking difficult etc.)?
  • Which element has the highest impact in terms of your solution: environment (CO2-impact) or economy and how are they interrelated?


Criteria & guidelines

Scope of Solutions

In principle, no approaches are excluded. We encourage you to be creative! We are of the opinion that out-of-the-box thinking has the potential to lead to solutions we have not yet considered.

In addition, BSH has identified the following approaches as promising, so these can serve as inspiration to you:

  • BSH collection at the end-user or done by a partner
  • Product as a service models
  • Collective schemes


Notes and specifications

Requirements and standards to comply with:

  • EN50625/50164 series

Legal/regulatory requirements to be observed:

  • 2012/19/EU and national implementations across EU
  • ADR („Gefahrgut-Vorschriften zum Transport gefährlicher Güter auf Straße“), registration as collection facility etc.

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