Innovate IT @ Home
Private IT infrastructure is getting more and more complex. Data must be stored securely and must be shared between a multitude of end devices. Video conferences, streaming and entertainment call for high bandwidth and internet availability inside and into the house. Work together with EnBW Innovation for one day to generate ideas around the question:
What will a secure and performant IT infrastructure for private homes look like? Which services can be offered to set it up and keep it running?
✅ Challenge completed 🏁 Winner Congratulations to: Abdullah, Manuelle, Theodor and Yashvir. Aftermovie des Ideation Days🏆 Rewards 1.000€ + chance for further collaboration
8 Innovators. 2 teams. 1 day and one challenge - this is the setup of our digital Ideation Day together with EnBW Innovation.
8 pre-selected innovators have the chance to work together in two teams during the time span of one day. To take part start digging into the topic and upload your filled-in application template on or platform. Since we only have 8 seats, it is worth being fast, as we leave the possibility to close the application window earlier.
In recent years, IT equipment in private households has changed significantly. A few years ago, you could only find a few end devices at home, such as a PC and a printer. However, today, a large number and variety of different digital helpers in households are present. These are often used not only for private purposes but also in self-employment and more and more for home office applications.
Not only installation of these devise and infrastructure is a complex and responsible task, but also operating this infrastructure on a daily base, with necessary security updates, virus scans, data, storage, distribution and recovery are critical tasks that cannot be handled by all households.
This challenge represents an exclusive format for a total of 8 innovators. In two teams you will work closely with experts from EnBW in a one-day power session. The winning team will receive total prize money of 1.000€.
This means if you are a part of the ideation day your team has a 50% chance to win the money.
Additionally, all participants will receive an individual certificate.
Furthermore, forms of further collaboration, e.g. working student activities or incubation programs, with EnBW are possible.
The rights to possible protectable content developed as part of the Ideation Day are fully transferred to EnBW. For more information see the conditions of participation.
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