Digital Healthcare Concierge as a Service
The healthcare system is very complex with numerous different actors, needs and interests. On one side there is a lack of holistic approaches to bundle everything. One the other side there is a lack of individual solutions for special needs of patients a/o stakeholders. Insurance companies have the most demanding task here: coordinate, connect, and deliver everything. Digital technologies offer great opportunities to meet all these Challenges. IKK Classic is looking for all-embracing, holistic, OR special individual solutions.
Let's improve the quality of health care together! “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it”. Welcome to the glory!
#futureofhealthcare #digitalhealthconcierge #connectedhealth
✅ Challenge completed 🏁 Winner Congratulations to BetterDoc Innovation Lab & AIDY🏆 Rewards EUR 5,000 per Challenge + collaboration with IKK Classic and other program partners + joint Publication🌎 Scope International - open to participants from all over the world
Who can participate?
The Challenge is calling students, researchers, professionals and startups to innovate healthcare and help people living a healthier life.
Knowledge Base
As an introduction and inspiration, the IKK has prepared an excerpt of certain actors and knowledge databases that are relevant to our challenge.
The "excerpt" from the health insurance ecosystem can be further elaborated by you and serves only as an example from the German area, which challenges and differently stored knowledge can be found there.
General: www.gesund.bund.de
Doctor search: https://expertensuche.gesund.bund.de/de/arzt/arztsuche/
The information to be made available in Germany is determined according to § 395 SGB V.
"For this purpose, the Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians shall regularly provide their respective Federal Association with the following information from the data lawfully collected by them:
- the first name and surname of the doctor and his academic degree,
- the address, telephone number and e-mail address of the practice or the institution participating in the provision of health care in which the doctor is working
- the speciality, focus and additional designations,
- the consultation hours,
- the accessibility of the panel doctor's practice or the facility participating in panel doctor's care in which the doctor works for people with disabilities, as well as
- the existence of billing authorizations for particularly quality-assured service areas in SHI-accredited medical care."
Hospital search
Based on the quality reports of the hospitals. (Updated annually)
Care search
In the care search, there are countless providers that make it possible to search for care services. Here are a few examples.
With regard to documents/links, there are, for example, documents or prescriptions that are listed at the KBV: https://www.kbv.de/html/verordnungen.php
List of medical aids
according to § 139 SGB V https://hilfsmittel.gkv-spitzenverband.de/home
Digital Health Application (DiGA) Directory
As far as we know, information on prevention courses is only provided by the health insurance funds, but the Central Prevention Testing Centre (ZPP) has to certify these prevention courses and will also be able to provide the information.
Other links could be e.g. regarding self-help groups, counseling centers, societies of specialized disciplines, etc.
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