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Deloitte’s Quantum Climate Challenge 2023

We invite you to explore quantum computing for materials research by tackling the challenge of simulating materials that filter carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and may help reach the 2°C goal.

Highlight for the finalists: Besides an attractive prize pool, the finalists will pitch their solution in front of an expert jury consisting of representatives from both, the quantum and the chemical industry.  Juror affiliations include IBM, AWS, Intel, Evonik, Verband der Chemischen Industrie, BASF Chemovator, Boehringer Ingelheim and Quantistry.

#quantumcomputing #climatechange #quantumchemistry #chemistry #directaircapture

  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Deloitte and ekipa congratulate all winning teams! See tab 'Pitch Event'
  • 🏆  Rewards
    Price Pool of 12000€ | Exclusive access to a Quantum Computer | For more see tab “Overview & Rewards”
Overview & Rewards
Pitch Event

How to submit

To participate in the challenge, each participant must create a profile on the ekipa platform, provide the information requested during registration process and accept the general terms and conditions for using the ekipa platform. If a participant has already created a profile, he or she must use it to participate in the Quantum Climate Challenge.

Your submission must be handed in in English and as one document in pdf format, optionally including clickable links before March 12, 2023, 23:59 (CEST).

Your submission

Compile a report (as .pdf file) as final submission. This report should consist of

  • an overview on you/your team and your background(s) including your contact details (name, e-mail, affiliation(s), country of residence) as well as a team name
  • An abstract of your solution (<400 words)
  • A short problem statement and outline how you solved it for all tasks
  • An overview of your research and the resources used during the challenge
  • *.csv or *.xls files for all data resulting from the calculations in your report
  • comprehensively commented code - preferably as a link to a public repository"

To successfully complete this challenge please complete the following tasks.

Task 1

A: Create a quantum algorithm, a quantum hybrid or quantum inspired solution, that calculates the minimum of the potential energy surface of combinations gas molecules and ions. Pick at least one type of ion and calculate the PES for at least carbon dioxide and one more gas molecule. Run your algorithm on a quantum computer or simulator and supply some information on the resource requirements of your solution (e.g., total number of shots, compute time etc.)

B: Compare your solution to at least one classical solution, describing advantages and disadvantages of the approaches. Evaluate the performance differences of your solution versus the classical approach.

Task 2

A: Conceptualize a quantum or hybrid solution to scale the calculation from one binding site to at least one 2D unit cell of the given metal organic framework-family AND from one gas molecule to a larger amount of substance of the gas molecule. The goal is to calculate the amount of substance of carbon dioxide that can be captured per unit cell. Briefly discuss the limitations of your solution.

B: Discuss the requirements for your solution to 2A to be implemented in real quantum computers and give an estimate for the time horizon at which it may become feasible. Requirements can be, e.g., the number of logical qubits needed, coherence times, external inputs like molecular geometries etc


You can elaborate on your experience and learnings during this challenge and provide feedback on the challenge tasks/ settings.

Selection procedures and evaluation criteria

The selection of the most promising IDEAS and their ranking are based on the following criteria:

  • Degree of innovation of the approach, concept, and algorithm including creativity and originality (25%)
  • Number, comprehensiveness, and adequacy of fulfilled tasks considering the challenge aim and setting (20%)
  • Feasibility, usefulness and functionality of the approach, concept, and algorithm (25%)
  • Quantum community impact – will your solution lead to progress within the quantum community e.g. create new applications or projects, spark discussions, increase public interest and knowledge about quantum? (15%)
  • Presentation and structure of the results (15%).

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