Quantum Climate Challenge 2022
Click here to be part of the new Deloitte's Quantum Climate Challenge 2023!
Quantum.Link by Deloitte invites you to investigate how Quantum Computing can be used to reduce the negative impact of air travel on the climate by optimizing flight trajectories.
Highlight for the finalists: Besides an attractive prize pool, the TOP 5 finalists can pitch their solution to an expert jury consisting of representatives from IBM, Deutsche Flugsicherung, DLR, Lufthansa Systems, MTU Aero Engines and RWTH Aachen.
#quantumcomputing #againstclimatechange #optimizeairtravel
✅ Challenge completed 🏁 Winner Qunatum.Link by Deloitte, KI Park and ekipa congratulate all winning teams! See tab 'PItch event'🏆 Rewards Price Pool of EUR 12,000 | Exclusive access to a Quantum Computer | For more see tab “Important Details”
Reduce negative impact of air travel
Join the Deloitte Quantum Climate Challenge 2022!
Quantum.Link by Deloitte connects companies with Quantum Business especially focusing on improving products and services in regards to sustainability and climate change prevention by leveraging the disruptive power of quantum technologies. The Quantum Climate Challenge 2022 created by Quantum.Link aims to investigate how Quantum Computing can be used to reduce the negative impact of air travel on the climate by optimizing flight trajectories.
The contributions to the anthropogenic (human made) climate change related to air travel add up to 5% with around 2.4 % of the global CO₂ emissions arising from air traffic. Further effects include the formation of contrails and contrail cirrus clouds, and the emission of NOₓ, water vapor, soot, aerosol, sulphate aerosol particles and other substances. It was simulated by the DLR, that changing a single flight route to cross different territory can minimize the climate effect of this flight by 25%.
Be part of this challenge and explore how flight trajectories can be optimized so that the total negative climate effect of the flights are minimal considering different climate effects depending on the fuel burn, the geographical location, altitude, weather conditions and timings. The challenge scenario includes multiple flights with various paths and schedules. Use the data given to develop a suitable quantum or hybrid algorithm - flight trajectories need to be planned in order to comply with all flight safety regulations as constrains while having an overall minimal negative effect on the climate.
Detailed challenge description
You can download the detailed challenge description here.
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