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Digital CO2 Footprint Simulation

#Environment #CO2Footprint #CO2Emissions

Only when I know what consequences my behavior has; I am able to optimize my behavior. True to this motto you are challenged! Together with Sanofi, we drive important innovations in the field of the CO2 footprint and develop (digital) solutions that help to understand what behavior could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and to what extent!

  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Congrats to Go Green and VirtualWoods!
  • 🏆  Rewards
    15,000 € prize pool in the overall DE 4.0 project + invitation to the Federal Chancellery + promotion of further implementation + chance for further cooperation with Sanofi
Important details
About Us
How To

Use Case is part of the DEUTSCHLAND 4.0 Challenge

Status Quo

Climate protection is important.
We have to reduce our CO2 emissions in order to counteract the global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. Less than one ton of CO2 per person a year must be reduced, says the Federal Environment Agency. At the moment it is 11.6 tons.

Sanofi is a company that is constantly reducing its CO2 emissions. But each individual can also do something about it. There are many ways to reduce CO2 emissions: using sustainable packaging materials or even scrapping traditional packaging altogether, using the car efficiently in carpools, using public transport or even switching to the bicycle, and much more. The possibilities and offers are rightly becoming more and more diverse. What are the reasons why an even broader use of the offers fails?

One answer to this could be that there are only a few offers that help to identify how behavior contributes to CO2 emission and reduction.

One thing is clear: knowledge and awareness of the effects of one's own behavior are a central element in making well-founded decisions.



Solutions are sought that inform and raise awareness so that people can make more informed decisions. To achieve this, the effects of their actions and alternatives must be made as tangible and comprehensible as possible. Solutions that go beyond simply informing and incentivizing the reduction of people's CO2 footprint are also possible.

The individual values for CO2 emissions should therefore be quantified in the best case, whereby the data to be entered by users can relate to a specific period such as a year.

The result can then be given as a personal CO2 footprint, which is directly related to comparative figures to be researched, enabling users to understand the effects.

Example: The personal annual CO2 output corresponds to a round-the-world trip in a mid-range car / the daily output of a data center / a flight from Munich to Hamburg / a soccer game under floodlights, etc.

In a guided process, the user could, for example, run through a query system, so that a concrete result is spat out at the end.



To simulate one's own emissions, there are various digital possibilities and approaches that could demonstrate one's own progress - especially the use of an app seems promising.

However, there is no commitment to an app. The integration of the described CO2 footprint simulation into Sanofi's PlanetMobilizationprogram is essential. Sanofi's environmental strategy for the years 2015-2025 is anchored in the Planet Mobilization Program. The program also reflects all the values and stakeholders of the company.

There is no limit to your creativity as long as it serves the overall goal of educating and helping people to reduce their carbon footprint.

Still questions or looking for inspiration?

You are looking for inspiration and want to learn methods to develop an innovative idea for this or any other use case?

Then take part in one of our freely accessible and digital workshops, which we offer throughout this project, and let experienced innovation coaches e.g. from Lufthansa Group show you approaches like Design Thinking and similar methodologies!

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