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(R)evolutionize Green Cities

No matter if you are a student, a researcher, a new team or an early-stage startup:
Collaborate with EnBW Innovation to take action for one of the main challenges of our time. Come up with an innovative and viable business case that tackles greenhouse gases, reduces pollution and fights climate change in our urban environment! Be the spark that lights up the future!

  • ✅ Challenge completed
  • 🏁 Winner
    Congratulations to Solaga, BRC Solar and Twostay. Aftermovie zur Challenge
  • 🏆  Rewards
    €10.000 + Access to award-winning incubation program + Chance for scholarships
Important details

Status Quo

Climate change caused by greenhouse gases and pollution in our environment is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues our global community is facing today.

Already today, urban centres are responsible for 75% of global energy consumption and 80% of greenhouse gas emissions, while about 50% of the world's population live and work in cities - predicted to even grow to nearly two-thirds in 2050.

This is why cities play a central role in the challenges of climate change, environmental pollution and improving the standard of living.

Though the traction for those issues in politics and society is recently rising, we can’t rely only on actions that fall from the sky: There’s still some uncertainty that the Paris Climate Agreement can limit the rise in temperature sufficiently – even if fully implemented.

The Challenge

Solutions to climate change, environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions have to come from both directions:  top-down (from legislations) and bottom-up - from our individual actions!

We need accelerated bottom-up actions to reach faster and sustainable progress towards a more efficient and thus more climate-friendly and more worthwhile living environment! There is a huge need for innovations and viable business cases that are self-sustaining, reduce environmental damage and add up to a big effect!

Innovation, therefore, must come from different directions like behavioral and lifestyle changes, lower energy consumption through new ways of business, or new technical solutions!

The aim of this project is to generate and incubate bottom-up innovations that can lead to an eco-friendly urban environment.

The Job

In order to achieve this, you can take one out of five tracks to have an impact on our society and contribute to one of the biggest challenges we face today!




Via the tab "Details" you will find more information about the Urban Environment, the specific tracks and inspirational sources that could be a good starting point.

Your job: No matter if you are a student, a researcher, a new team or an early-stage startup: Until the 23th of September, your task is to convince EnBW Innovation with your innovative idea and business case that you are capable in collaboration with leading experts from EnBW Innovation to change the future of our (urban) environment!

If you do so, you will get the chance to work with EnBW Innovation, learn from leading Experts at a boot camp in the EnBW Innovation Campus and to collaborate further on your business case! 

What's in for you

Winners should not go out without a prize. Therefore, a total of prize money of € 10.000 will be distributed. This is divided between the top three teams or participants as follows:

  • 1st Place: 5.000 Euros
  • 2nd Place: 3.000 Euros
  • 3rd Place: 2.000 Euros

But for all of you that want to have a long-term impact, we created another unprecedented incentive:

Together with EnBW Innovation, we can guarantee the winners access to the award-winning incubation program of EnBW Innovation to make ideas reality!  On-top, there is the chance to get awarded with individual scholarships that ensure the winners' income during the incubation!

Legal part

All rights and contents worthy of protection which are brought into the Challenge remain completely with the participants.

If teams and participants do not belong to the winners of the challenge, all rights also remain with the participants at all time.

Should new content worthy of protection be developed in the course of the Challenge together with EnBW Innovation, both the winners and EnBW have rights of use, whereby the winners must respect a commercial blocking period following to the challenge if no other arrangements are made in the course of the incubation.

All binding information can be found in our terms of participation.

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